To ensure quality care, please discuss only 1-2 concerns per 15-minute appointments

Pukekohe Family Health logo NEW 22 cropped


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Little Feet Children’s Clinic

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Aclasta Clinic

Cur­rent­ly Closed. Aclas­ta (Zolen­drate Acid) is a new and inno­v­a­tive, once every 18 month, osteo­poro­sis treat­ment with the key to stronger bones. It has been tri­alled through the pub­lic sys­tem and now is avail­able to both pub­lic and pri­vate patients who meet the criteria.

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Diabetes Clinic

We are are Open. Our Dia­betes Clin­ic aims to pro­vide an ongo­ing sup­port­ive rela­tion­ship with you and your doc­tor, to stay healthy and iden­ti­fy prob­lems early.

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Ear Clinic

The ear clin­ic will be open­ing soon. 

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Respiratory Clinic

We are open. This clin­ic is run by spe­cial­ly trained nurs­es and caters for peo­ple with chest and nose con­di­tions such as hayfever and relat­ed aller­gies, asth­ma and oth­er breath­ing dis­or­ders. Please note we will note be doing spirom­e­try at the cur­rent level. 

PFHC Travel

Travel Clinic

Cur­rent­ly closed at the cur­rent lev­el. Our Trav­el Clin­ic offers pre-trav­el advice and spe­cial­ist trav­el med­i­cine knowledge.

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Wellness Clinic

Referred by your GP and PFHC. The Well­ness clin­ic is a run by a spe­cial­ly trained nurs­ing team and acces­si­ble through your GP’s refer­ral. You nurse will focus on the issues that con­cern you and your doc­tor, with prac­ti­cal sup­port. The clin­ic ses­sions are fund­ed and at no cost to the patient.

Cervical Smear Test

Women’s Health Clinic

We are Open. Women’s Health Clin­ic is run by Reg­is­tered Nurs­es who are pas­sion­ate about Women’s Health, and have com­plet­ed addi­tion­al train­ing and edu­ca­tion through an accred­it­ed facil­i­ty in con­tra­cep­tion, cer­vi­cal screen­ing and sex­u­al health pri­or to work­ing in the clinic.

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Flu Clinic

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Pro­tect your­self and your com­mu­ni­ty by get­ting your flu shot today.