To ensure quality care, please discuss only 1-2 concerns per 15-minute appointments
As New Zealand’s leading private cardiology group we provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the heart and its problems plus ongoing support for patients, adults and children
Shared knowledge, experience and specialisation of the 29 cardiologists working in an open team environment
Ruvin Gabriel began his cardiology training at the Green Lane Cardiovascular Service, Auckland City Hospital, and completed it at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic (Ohio, USA), where he worked for two years as a clinical and research fellow in multi-modality cardiovascular imaging. Ruvin currently works as a clinical cardiologist with a special interest in non-invasive imaging at Middlemore Hospital, and consults part time at the Auckland Heart Group.
Ruvin's subspecialty expertise is in non-invasive imaging: cardiovascular CT, CT coronary angiography, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as trans-thoracic, trans-oesophageal and stress echocardiography. He integrates his imaging skills with the clinical assessment and management of ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease and heart failure.
Tim Sutton trained at Bristol University in the UK, where he undertook an intercalated microbiology degree as part of his undergraduate career. He spent the first three years of his medical life initially at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, then Northampton General Hospital. Having arrived in New Zealand with his Kiwi wife he spent time in all three greater Auckland hospitals as a medical registrar, then trained in cardiology at Middlemore and Green Lane hospitals. On the way he gained his MRCP in 1996 then his FRACP in 2001. Dr Sutton then spent a year as a clinical research fellow at Middlemore and has been a consultant cardiologist there since December 2001.
General cardiology with a focus on ischaemic heart disease, its prevention, investigation and treatment, valvular heart disease and heart failure
Dr Wil Harrison is New Zealand's first Maori cardiologist. He is originally from the East Coast and attended medical school in Auckland. He completed his Master's degree in cardiac pathology during medical training. Following graduation he worked at Tauranga Hospital before returning to Auckland to resume cardiology training. He completed post-graduate fellowships in interventional cardiology at Auckland City Hospital, then at William Beaumont Hospital in Michigan, USA. He returned to NZ in 2011 and works as an interventional cardiologist at Middlemore hospital. He is very pleased to join the Auckland Heart Group in 2012.
Wil specializes in trans-radial and complex coronary interventions, acute coronary syndromes, and has a strong background in general cardiolgy. He also has particular interest in Maori and indigenous cardiac health, and works with several Maori health organizations nationwide.