To ensure quality care, please discuss only 1-2 concerns per 15-minute appointments

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Mr. David Flint MB ChB 1992 Auckland; FRACS 2001

David Flint is a New Zealand trained ENT Surgeon. He then did additional fellowship training in paediatric and adult otology in Australia and has been a Consultant Surgeon at Waitemata DHB from 2005 and also at Counties Manukau from 2009.
He provides general otolaryngology services with special interests in otology and nasal and sinus disease.
He has rooms in Takapuna and visits Pukekohe with operating privileges at North Harbour, Gillies, and Ormiston Hospitals.

Areas of Healthcare

He provides general otolaryngology services with special interests in otology and nasal and sinus disease.
He has rooms in Takapuna and visits Pukekohe with operating privileges at North Harbour, Gillies, and Ormiston Hospitals.
He is a member of the NZ Training, Education & Accreditation Committee for Otolaryngology, NZ Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Neuro-Otology Society of Australia, and a senior lecturer in the Department of Surgery University of Auckland.
Appointments can be made by:
Phone 09 522 2226
Fax 09 522 2224
Mob 021 241 7839